Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Fund-raising garage sale success!

Thank you to everyone who donated to our garage sale. We raised 730.00 towards our adoption! I started thinking if we could have about 12 more of these we'd raise enough! It was actually the first garage sale I'd ever done. It was exhausting but fun! The only problem about having 12 more is I don't think we have enough time nor do people go to garage sales in the winter! Anyway, it was a wonderful experience. I didn't anticipate that I would need help on Friday but God was so good and a neighbor who I had never met came over and helped me and even donated a bunch of her own stuff for me to sell! She helped me navigate through all the haggling and things that I wouldn't naturally be comfortable with. She was a God-send! Thank you Kim!

One update, we got I-600a approval which for those of you who don't know, that is the big American thing you have to get to adopt. It is United States immigration approving you as an adoptive family. When we go to Liberia we will apply for the I-600 for the children, but the I-600a is pre-approval for that, so it makes the I-600 easier/faster. Does that make sense? Anyway, it is a significant step in the process!