Sunday, December 2, 2007


Right now we are waiting for the necessary documents to be signed so that Serena, Gidstina, and Gideon will be legally our children in Liberia! This is so exciting! We hopefully will have that completed within the next 4-6 weeks.

We have the opportunity to send some things over to the children with a family that is going to pick up their children. I decided to sew them blankets even though it is hot over there right now. I figured they could lay on them or hold them. I just wanted them to have something special and I love making things by hand for my babies! I embroidered their names on them. We also will send a picture album for each of the children and letters from each of us.

I've been reading a book called "A black man's tribute to his white mom". It is definitely a good insight into how a dark-skinned child feels with a white mother. I know we will have challenges but I will continue to remind my children that we are all made in God's image, we have the same color blood, and if we all looked the same wouldn't that be boring!!!!!!! God is much more creative than that!

I just finished reading "Tears of the Rain". It was about a missionary couples experience in Liberia from 2001-2003. They were there during the civil war. What a scary time! It gave me tremendous insight into the Liberian culture and the extreme poverty in which they live. It helped me to understand how they can give up their children for adoption. It is the most selfless act they could do for their children. Children literally die of starvation on a daily basis there. Malaria is horrible and a common killer of young children. Measles generates such high fevers that children lose their sight. It is so so sad. Witchcraft and devil worship is VERY common. Child sacrifice is not unusual. I read things that I thought weren't humanly possible. Our living conditions here are absolutely royal compared to Liberian living conditions. I feel so spoiled and I just don't know how to change it.

I want to figure out how to spend less on everything, groceries, clothes, gifts. It just doesn't feel right at all to live the way I do while those in Liberia are living the way they are. So if you have any good beans/rice recipes or other money saving ideas email them to me at Thanks!

1 comment:

Brandi said...

I just stumbled across your blog. I came home from Liberia less than a month ago with our little one. I feel the same way as you do. . .let me just figure out a way to save as much money as possible so as to help the Liberian people in some small way.
